Friday, October 29, 2010

The Function and Purpose of a Professional Proposal.

There are many types of proposals for different organizations.  These proposals could be the essential part of overall sales cycle. This would be a great way for customers to learn about a business. Jonathon Farrington stated, the best proposals will contain:
  • Cover Letter
  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Current System: Constraints; and
  • Recommended Systems: Benefits
Tasks ideal proposals should
  • Spell out the problem clearly and convincingly
  • Point out the benefite of solving the problem
  • Offer a realistic, cost-effective solution
  • Address anticpated objections to the solutions; and
  • Induce the audience to act.
There could be a negotitative aspect to a proposal. Once the idea has been presented, the audience may present changes they feel could help create a better situation.

Farrington, Jonathon           How to Construct a Professional Proposal

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