Saturday, September 25, 2010

Do's and Don'ts of Social and Professional Networking

Interact---get your name out there through internet sources...Facebook, Twitter. As you go through these sites, be picky about whom you follow. Keep within your realm of likes and dislikes.
Do all you can to set yourself apart from everyone else.

Post relevant and helpful information--Share any knowledge or experience you may have. Present it in a way to be helpful, not self-promoting or critical of others.

Use foul language---Keep all postings clean and professional. Just the way you want to be presented or remembered.

Use inappropriate photos---People go on the internet often. If there are photos that would misrepresent you, these need to be removed. Potential employers may see these and decide not to hire you even though these were not as they seemed.

Make negative comments about previous employers----Potential employers will see any bad comments you place on these sites. If you begin to talk negatively about the past employers, what will you say about any future ones.

Share too much information--People tend to share more information on the internet than they would in person. They feel more comfortable speaking through a keyboard than to someones face. Placing too much information about yourself online could also hurt any chances of an interview. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Elias Cobb

When it is time to get the correct answers pertaining to the best job seeking tips, the correct way to complete a resume or even how to counter-offer a job, seek out Elias Cobb's blog. There are many tips which pertain to these areas plus many more.

Elias Cobb is a Technical Recruiter Manager for Alumni Consulting Group. He has been a consultant for over nine years and currently managers two-three recruiters while recruiting IT professionals.

Here is the list of JOB SEEKING tips that he has posted
  • 10 Job Seeking Tips
  • Interviews with the Recruiting Agency
  • 5 Questions Recruiters Won't Answer
  • Resume Mistakes
  • Counter-Offer----What to do?
  • Job Hunting over the Holidays
  • Finding a Job is a Lot Like Dating

Important Interview Questions

1. Tell me about yourself Talking about oneself could be difficult. Try not to sound too overpowering yet mention the positive. Mention your work history, recent career experiences and education.
2. Why do you want to work for us? Do your homework about the company. Know what they need and use that to your advantage. If there are areas of the business that does not interest you, maybe you shouldn't be at the interview.
3. What do you look for in a job?
 Keep answers pertaining to the position or organization. Answers like, “I like people" will not get you far. Give answers that will be related to opportunities rather than personal security.
4. What did you like about your boss?No one likes to hear negativity, especially the one doing the interview. Positive notes will be the wise thing to do, even if the job was not one of the best ones you have had.
5. What do you feel this position should pay?Do your homework regarding the pay scale this company offers. " I think this position should pay, $7.40", is not the way to go. The interviewer would like to know you are willing to take less but don't cut yourself short. Present a range to the interviewer so they could see you are willing to accept what they feel you are worth. You could also ask them for advice in this area